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Twelve Sky 2 CBT2 Review

All enemies have a chance of dropping rare and unique items. These have a low drop rate but are extremely useful. Bosses have much higher drop rates but are also insanely strong. Unique equipment have higher stats than other equipment of the same level. Sometimes they also give bonus points to certain skills. The rarest items however are usable items. Not equipment. Usable items include skill books, skill resets, and dungeon keys. They are mainly 1 time use items but are very useful. The order goes common, unique, rare, and elite. The naming makes you think differently though. The downside is that there are money bags that give you anywhere from 100 to 500k silver. This is easily a catalyst for hyperinflation. In 30 levels I managed to find 2 of these alone not counting other rares and I had easily 1.5 mil by level 30 before I spent it all on skills and potions.

Every hour, there is an outpost battle for each set of levels. They are organized into level 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, etc. Each of the 3 clans will fight it out and the living members of the winning clan gets 10% towards their next level and 100k in money. When the war begins, you get a pop up message asking you to join. There is a few minutes before the actual start. The goal is to destroy the stones of the other clans. The problem is that the largest clan will win. Just join and stick to the most populated clan. Afterwards, just stick to the stone and let your allies attack. During the 2nd phase of closed beta, the largest clan was the Snake Clan and won numerous battles due to just pure numbers. They outnumbered the other clans 3 to 1 combined. The solution to this would be to just take the Cabal system. Limit the number of players from each group on the map and then let others in as the people in the battle die. This will ensure that there are no more than say 50 people in each group but a large clan will have more reserves than a small clan. The advantage will be there still but just not as absurd as it is right now. Mage types also have a huge advantage in PvP because of range. Area effect skills are not as useful and deal almost no damage. A team of spamming mages can beat any melee team of the same levels. Strategy is only needed if you lack numbers otherwise overwhelming force will win any fight. By participating in the outpost battles, you earn contribution. Earning contribution will allow you to earn a position in your clan. There are benefits to your position in the clan and if you earn enough contribution, you can become the clan leader.


Guilds don't serve much use. They have all the traditional features. Guild leader, guild officers, and recruits. You can have an icon and you can also resign from the guild. That's nothing new so there's not so much special. The good features are all in the party. The guild's only purpose is for communication and organization.


Twelve Sky2 Gold  is an improvement over Twelve Sky, but there is still much to be done. High damage, potion spamming and area effect is the way to go for grinding. Range attacks are the way to go for PvP. High damage and HP with low dodge is the most effective. War has no balance, whichever side with the most players will usually win. As long as your potion spamming is faster than the damage you're taking, its fine. If you liked Twelve Sky, then Twelve Sky2 Gold  is for you. Otherwise, Cabal Online is a better choice for more balanced gameplay.

[Source:Goldicq] [Author:Goldicq] [Date:09-07-16] [Hot:]
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