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The Interview about 12 Sky

GameOgre: What was the reasoning behind having a Twelve Sky?

Thomas McKay: There were many things that ALT1 (formerly Gigassoft) wanted to change about Twelve Sky, that they simply could not because of the limitations of the game engine. With the new game engine they have been able to make all of the changes that they saw fit, along with a major graphics overhaul.

GO: How will Twelve Sky 2 improve upon the original?

TM: Twelve Sky 2 is a complete upgrade to the original. It offers a completely automated balance, alliances and faction leaders, improved PVP battles, a 4th faction (Nangin) and much, much more!

GO: What do you think will separate Twelve Sky 2 from other free MMORPGs when it is released?

TM: The Twelve Sky series offers a unique blend of PVP and player versus environment (PVE) that no other games have been able to offer. Players can PVE to get money, new gear and level up like in other games, but what makes the game play unique is the benefit that they gain from PVP. Players can gain money, experience and gear from PVP! They can also win battle objectives that provide their entire faction with increased experience rates, damage increases and even access to special zones. The 12sky gold PVP experience is like no other free to play MMORPG on the market.

GO: Will the North American version be identical to the European version?

TM: The North American version of Twelve Sky 2 will have additional features that the European version does not have. Since we have been running Twelve Sky for nearly over a year now, we have a very dedicated player base and we do not want to see their time on the original go to waste. So we will be allowing players to transfer their characters to Twelve Sky 2. We will also be retaining our localization from the first Twelve Sky so those twelve sky gold with it should have no problem making the jump to Twelve Sky 2.


[Source:Goldicq] [Author:Goldicq] [Date:11-02-24] [Hot:]
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