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The Different Chat Modes in Twelvesky

Guild: Guild chat is similar to Party chat, in that all Guild members can chat with each other regardless of zone. However, Parties are limited to 5 and are temporary, while Guilds have a much larger limit and generally last for a longer duration. Faction: Faction chat allows players  to chat with other members of their Faction within the same zone. All Faction members in the zone can read this type of chat.

Shout: Only usable in Saigo Temple. Members of all Factions can read this chat, so it is often used for trade purposes. Whisper: A player can type in a character(12sky gold) name next to the word "whisper" in order to send a message to one specific person. Whispers can be blocked through the Options Menu (Esc).

Normal: Normal chat has a very short range. This is good to use to say hello to another member of your Faction that you meet while hunting monsters in 12sky gold , since it will not go any further than visual range. Party: When in a party, players can use Party chat in order to chat with each other regardless of zone. Only party members will see this chat.


[Source:Goldicq] [Author:Admin] [Date:10-05-28] [Hot:]
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