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The Clan Of 12sky

This is Goldicq,welcome guys! There are four Clan in 12Sky for choosing in all. Let's realize each one of them.I hope you will be interesting in this portion.

Imperial Dragon Clan:
A relatively balanced society, the Dragon Clan has some of the most well-rounded warriors. While Northern Dragons typically practice with both Light and Heavy Sword, those from the South defeat foes by projecting their Spirit with a weapon called "Marble."


Insensible Swordsman Lupin. Callous and cunning, Lupin achieved the coveted position of Chief Trainer of the Dragon Realm at the tender age of 22. Lupin was the last student of Master Yang, former teacher of Lord Yudi. Lupin is stuck in a soon-to-be-arranged marriage with Lord Yudi's daughter, MauLi. The spirited fifteen year-old defied her father's wishes and began to rendezvous with Qing, a trainer of the Tiger's Thin Blade. When her secret frolicking was revealed, her father grew angry and demanded that she stay with her own people and carry out the pre-arranged marriage. As a result, Lupin is caught in a backlash of rumors and slander.

Royal Snake Clan:
Although physically weak, the Snake Clan is more than "just" an opponent.Due to their quick reflexes combined with their superior weapons,enemies swiftly fall beneath their feet!
The Snakes are renowned for their unique weapon, 12sky gold the Lute,preferred weapon amongst coy and devious assassins. While friendly in appearance, the sound wave from the Royal Lute can be manipulated to cause tremendous pain.


Thundering Double Blade Feng. Losing his parents to the Battle of Saga City,Lord Seto saved Feng as an infant. While living amongst the Royal Snake Clan,Feng began his Kung Fu training as soon as he came of age. His unresolved hatred against the Dragon and the Tiger Clans for their involvement in his parents’ death drove him to become the Chief Assassin of the Snake Clan.

Fierce Tiger Clan:
If there was a Yin-Yang in the forces of nature, the Fierce Tiger Clan would be the polar opposite of the Royal Snake Clan. Far superior in terms of sheer strength, the Tigers even outmatch the Dragon Clan in stature. Nevertheless, do not be deceived by their slow response, as their massive weapons can dish out massive damage -

[Source:Goldicq] [Author:Goldicq] [Date:10-01-05] [Hot:]
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