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Players Guide About 12 sky

Here are players guide about 12 sky. Hope it helps you more or less.

Obviously they're leaving a lot of important aspects to leveling past 100 out of the game currently but that doesn't mean you can't rage against the aeria and gigasoft machine. 100-103=Gyuwan and Yanggok Cave leveling,103-105=Gyuwan and New Map aoeing; 105-107=New map aoeing; 108-109=New map with mass aoes, such as Gwanhan road

You may just wanting to aoe. Single mobs can offer xp and possibly save you on pots but the sheer numbers provided by xp from aoeing and mass aoeing is going to level you quickly and possibly find you better items, though after 50,000 mobs that the author not sure how often you'll find those items.

The main thing is to try to shell out silver or aps for xp pots and stay on them when you do these aoe sessions. Spend some time in gyuwan, get some cash for xp and pots, use it in the new map, go back to gyuwan, rinse and repeat as needed.

When you are under level 30 you may do what you wish with the stats, for guan there is a NPC called Elder Gwan, he will reset you are stats as many times as you want for free as long as ur under level30, after that you can't use this privalige.

Skills - skills can be upgraded to a higher level. By pressing R and clicking on the skill you wish to level up with 12sky gold, pressing the up button with you are skill high lighted.

I recommend getting all the skills listed first not leveling up any of them. Sequence is your choice for you are own comforte.

I recommend getting gentleman's pen maxed first then getting lightning flash maxed. The others is you are choice of order, and when you put 1-30 it means it's you are choice whether you want the skill maxed or just keep at level 1 for it's not a skill that you need maxing.

Thank you for reading this article.

[Source:Goldicq] [Author:Goldicq] [Date:10-09-14] [Hot:]
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