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Flash of Rage Skill Book In Twelvesky

Hi guys, welcome to out site! Today I will introduce Flash of Rage skill book in 12Sky to you that came from other site, hope you like it, here we go:

It is a Guyanin level 30+ Blade user upgrade to the "Gentlemans Pen" multi hit and is very heavy on chi but on max power it does approximately 3 x 850+ damage for 360 chi in one hit, you may try and write it down for the exact figures once you get it maxed.

Twelve Sky picture

Like to add that it is benificial for all Guyanin blade users to max their heavenly Serenity skill as soon as is possible for grinding mobs quickly to spend less time sitting, as chi pills are thin on the ground too expensive and using max Gentlemans pen on higher level mobs uses a lot of Chi.

Even though you max a skill(12sky gold) for example gentlemans pen for blade users, only use it on the max setting for rvr, if you are grinding mobs turn it down to level 2-3 until you get above level 50 then start bringing it up.

Also for blade users, 50/50 str/dex is fine till level 50 or so, then you want to start bringing up your dex more than the str in a ratio of 2 str for 3 dex so for example at around level 55 with vit and chi 10 below your level and str and dex at approx 100/100 thats when you need to go 3 dex for 2 str, you need the extra dex at higher levels with twelve sky gold or you will fail to hit and block.

After level 50 when you start bringing my chi up more than your vit as you are a chi freak and need the extra capacity to max my crit hit skill, you should aim to have at least 60 points on chi by level 60, vit doesnt seem to benifit as much at the higher levels as you get a better vit and chi boost automatically as you level.

Thank you for reading, if you need twelvesky gold, you can order it from our website.


[Source:Goldicq] [Author:Goldicq] [Date:10-12-01] [Hot:]
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